News/RSS 🗞

Choose what you want to display in the News/RSS-post. Subscribe to an RSS-feed from your own webpage or another one, and keep people updated with the latest news. 

Create a news post

When you are going to create the news-post, you copy the address for the RSS-feed, and paste it in the address field in the post. Select how many news-items you would like to display. Default is the last three.

If there are images in the RSS-feed, the address has to start with https. These images can then be displayed in the mobile app, PinToMind Go. Images are also displayed in the newest version, PinToMind 3.

Select where on the screen you would like this displayed, many place this post in the footer. 

You can create several different news-posts, and your screen will automatically display new content all the time.

If you gather news from external pages, like newspapers or broadcasters, you yourself have to get the permission for this.

How do I find the RSS for the news I want to display?

We suggest that you do a search online for e.g. "rss bbc" or your local newspaper. The link can often be found in the RSS-logo itself, like the orange image at the top of this page. The RSS can prove to be something as simple as You need to copy this, and paste it into the address field in the News-post.

If you cannot find the link you need, we recommend contacting the newspaper and asking them if they have an RSS-feed you can use.

Questions? Contact us at!